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Chad D. Cotti, Ph.D., MPA

Dr. Cotti is an Academic Affiliate with Meister Economic Consulting.  He is also the Oshkosh Corporation Endowed Professor and John McNaughton Rosebush Professor at the University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh, as well as a Research Affiliate of the Center for Demography of Health and Aging at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Dr. Cotti specializes in health economics and public policy.  He has researched and analyzed a wide range of topics, including health outcomes, tobacco control policies, drunk driving, and food

stamp distribution.  In his health research, he has analyzed the impact of various events and conditions, including COVID-19, on health and socioeconomic outcomes across racial groups.  As part of his research into the transmission of COVID-19, Dr. Cotti has acted as an expert witness on multiple occasions in U.S. Federal Court.


Dr. Cotti’s work has appeared in leading peer-reviewed, economics journals, including the Review of Economics & Statistics, Social Science & Medicine, the Journal of Public Economics, the Journal of Health Economics, and the American Economic Journal: Economic Policy. Dr. Cotti’s research has also been covered by many prominent media sources, such as The Wall Street Journal, The Economist, Boston Globe, USA Today, New York Times Magazine, and Washington Post.




Alan P. Meister​


Clyde W. Barrow​


David R. Borges​


Jonathan Clough


Chad D. Cotti​


Will E. Cummings​


Jeffrey L. Dense


​​Alan L. Silver


Ashok K. Singh


Douglas M. Walker

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